Assisting you
on a daily basis.

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Assisting you on a daily basis.

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IMA Italia Assistance: services and solutions for you

IMA Italia Assistance works in the field of Mobility, Travel, Home, Health and Wellness. We are part of an international group with more than 5.800 people who work to provide help, support and assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, anywhere in the world.

We devote to our shareholders and their beneficiaries, as well as to our partners and clients, whenever they need it. We do this by creating long-term partnerships and planning support services and insurance coverage designed specifically for them. We also offer insurance solutions directly to consumers to ensure everyone the tranquility of living, moving and travelling.

Latest news

  • Tuttokay ho Imaway! La nuova campagna di comunicazione di Imaway
    press releases
    Tuttokay ho Imaway! La nuova campagna di comunicazione di Imaway

    Prende il via la campagna di comunicazione estiva di Imaway l’assicurazione viaggio online di IMA Italia Assistance.

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  • IMA Italia semplifica la vita di chi ne ha bisogno
    press releases
    IMA Italia semplifica la vita di chi ne ha bisogno

    L’evoluzione dei servizi di orientamento, consulenza e supporto ai bisogni di assistenza e cura, a sostegno dei family caregivers e dei loro cari, si arricchisce del progetto “Salute e benessere”

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  • IMA Italia Assistance diventa partner di Subaru per l’assistenza stradale
    press releases
    IMA Italia Assistance diventa partner di Subaru per l’assistenza stradale

    L’accordo tra IMA Italia Assistance e Subaru è attivo dal 1° novembre e riguarda la garanzia costruttori sulle nuove immatricolazioni in Italia.

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Latest news

Tuttokay ho Imaway! La nuova campagna di comunicazione di Imaway
press releases
Tuttokay ho Imaway! La nuova campagna di comunicazione di Imaway

Prende il via la campagna di comunicazione estiva di Imaway l’assicurazione viaggio online di IMA Italia Assistance.

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Buy online

From IMA Italia Assistance experience comes Imaway, the travel insurance tailored to your world. Thanks to the coverage of medical costs, also in case of Covid-19, assistance and travel cancellation, accidents, legal protection and luggage security, Imaway is the insurance to take always on the go and that grants you tranquility to live, move and travel.

It is possible to receive assistance 24 hours a day during the whole travel period away from home. And thanks to our network of more than 12.700 accredited medical centers worldwide, who chooses our insurance has the great advantage of the direct payment of medical costs. Helping who is on trouble and providing an effective and immediate response is our aim, whatever the reason for the trip

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